Hot-Shot Electric Prods - Welcome to!
How am I to know that you can't use the cattle prod on HUMAN? Buyer beware: Do not purchase this item if you want to use on HUMAN. It's for cattle/livestock ONLY. Guy getting shocked by cattle prod. 1:07 Watch Later Error Cattle prodder tested on drunk human by etniesza.
Best Answer: It looks like the output is anywhere from 2200 - 9000 volts. The figure 5000 is often mentioned. I googled for: cattle hot-shot voltage (after. Miller Mfg. SS36 Livestock Prod: Home Improvement Make Other Prod Owners Green With Envy! Considered: "Best" or Premium Hot-Shot. Typical User: Dairy farmers, vets, hog producers, some cattle producers
How much voltage does your standard cattle prod have? - Yahoo! Answers